Members demonstrate professional attitudes towards rehearsals, performances, and travel, thus marking a true testament to their commitment to promote and uphold the Bosnian-Herzegovinian heritage. C.A.S. "Djerdan" has performed at many festivals in Ottawa and other cities within Canada. They have recorded achievement and received praise from many multi-social units from numerous cultural communities within the nation. In addition to these performances, C.A.S. Djerdan organizes the celebrations of the Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the International Women's Day each year. On these occasions, the group continues to demonstrate their love and devotion to preserving their roots and traditions through their performances, various plays and a great selection of food and drink.
Performances in the year 2014 ...
1. Celebrating The International Women's Day, organized by C.A.S. "Djerdan" Ottawa- March 15, 2014
2. Tulip Festival, Ottawa ON - May 11, 2014
3. Carnival of Cultures, Ottawa ON - July 6, 2014
4. Ottawa Turkish Festival, Ottawa ON - September 13, 2014
5. Celebrating The Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina, - November 15, 2014
2. Tulip Festival, Ottawa ON - May 11, 2014
3. Carnival of Cultures, Ottawa ON - July 6, 2014
4. Ottawa Turkish Festival, Ottawa ON - September 13, 2014
5. Celebrating The Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina, - November 15, 2014