We are all DjerdanKUD Djerdan is defined by its volunteers. These dedicated individuals devote their time to creating top quality culture and art programs, continually promoting and re-establishing Bosnian identity.
Djerdan is more than just a pass-time; as a non-profit organization, Djerdan offers its enthusiasts a variety of folklore entertainment, puts smiles on faces of many with its musical and theatrical talents, and through the performances promotes social equality and inclusiveness. Djerdan's goal is to bring all its qulities through performances to your homes, your hearts, and create long-lasting memories, but for that, they need the equipment and other means to continue creating its programs. Djerdan relies on you and your help to reach that goal. Every donation, every visit to our manifestations will allow us to continue with our work. You help will allow us to wear a wider variety of national costumes, will make our stage and halls more beautifully decorated, and make all our music and vocal performances that much clearer with much needed technical equipment - all this in your favour and honour - our main reason of existance. Thank you once again for all the good wishes and help you have given us so far! |
How to show support?Your donation can be sent:
KUD Djerdan STN H, PO BOX 11183 Ottawa, ON K2H 7T9
Westcliffe Community Centre 681 Seyton Dr. Ottawa, Ontario K2H 1A4 |